Mission - Railroad Spike - Mission Briefing and Act 1
A D23 Mission for Red Rocks' Shadow - zwoshea.itch.io/rrsash
Mission Briefing
Nuetralization Order.
Professor Monika Krahl of Merovingian Special Projects Detachment. A compromised agent with sensitive Command Data. Eliminate the target along with anyone she has had prolonged contact with to minimize the chance of data leaks. Destroy any evidence the target possesses.
Order Status: Open.
Squad Assigned: Blight Horn Coven, Deployed.
Target Location: Rumberg Rail Line. In Transit.
Authorized: Ami Avnas, High Priestess of the Beast’s Wings
Rumberg Rail Line Train. No Man’s Land
Rescue Professor Monika Krahl. Eliminate the Blight Horn Command Coven.
Intelligencer Tidbits
Who. Professor Monika Krahl was a prominent weapon research scientist. She is now wanted by Merovingian authorities for desertion and espionage. Rumor holds she is carrying weapon blueprints for sale. 1 Vial.
Who. The Blight Horn Command Coven is led by Gauthier Toutain, a former Gaiucen engineer. They are known in certain for blending dark magick and black science, creating thralls with heavy Cruor augmentations. 1 Vial.
What. Rumor has it that Professor Krahl carries a new binary weapon. 2 Vials.
Where. The Rumberg Rail Line Train snakes through the No Man’s Land between Gaiucen and Merovingian armies. It does not come under fire often while traveling. Some think its rails twist and move to avoid battles. 1 Vial.
Additional Facts 1. The Rumberg Rail Line Train is guarded by the Spikes, a special unit of Merovingian Military Police. It is said that these poor souls were moved to light duty after being injured via No Man’s Lands barriers and traps. 1 Vial.
Travel Cost. 1 Vial.
Act 1
Train Top.
The Rumberg Rail Line Train slows as it worms its way through a narrow, winding canyon. The jagged walls on either side of the track are covered with overhanging ledges. It is onto one of these that the Vein rips open and the Deserters are deposited. The ledge is dusty and lifeless. Coils of rusted barbed wire dig deep into the stone, binding weather-stripped bones to the earth. Below, the train by, slow enough to leap through its acrid smoke and land on a back - but swift enough that the Deserters can’t dilly dally if they want to catch a ride. Above, a moldering zeppelin lifts off into the sky. Its fins are flanged and flagless. These are no air pirates, but agents of Command itself. The coven has already been dispatched, its grunts swarming the top of the train like ants. One will have to scythe through this chaff to get inside.
Act 1 takes place on top of this moving train as it navigates a narrow canyon. Command has beaten the Deserters to the train and the squad will have to fight its way to get inside. While the train isn’t speeding, it’s picking up speed. Overhanging hazards are not uncommon, and falling off the train promises a brutal end to this mission. The train top has a Near, Close, and Far range increment, with a hatch to enter the train in the Far increment. The Deserters land on the train in the Near increment. The top of the train is crawling with Command agents. Grunts form-up lines to slow the Deserters down, these are common mercenaries devoted to the cabal’s dark designs. They are accompanied by Bloodletters, more heavily armored troops bearing blood-draining pikes and with minor magickal aptitude. As the battle rages on, Gargouilles will be deployed by the departing zeppelin as a last-ditch effort to stop the Deserters. These rocketeers have been crudely transformed into monstrous shapes by dozens of Cruor-augmentations.
There should be 2 Grunts for every Deserter in the Near Segment. 1 Grunt for every Deserter in the Close Segment along with 2 Bloodletters. Then in the Far Segment, the are 2 more Bloodletters. As the Deserters set to move from the Close to Far Segment, 4 Gargouilles deploy from the zeppelin before it finally disappears from view and they swoop down to harass the Deserters from the air.
Grunt (Fodder)
Ill-trained infantry
Health- 2
Attacks -
Rifle 2 Physical Harm. Close/Far
Knife 1 Physical Harm. Near
Maneuvers - Charge, Retreat, Take Cover
Bloodletter (Command)
Heavy hitters, intent on draining the blood of their victims.
Health- 8
Attacks -
Strigoi Pike 3 Physical Harm, 2 Cruor Harm. Near
Darkbolt 2 Profane Harm. Near/Close/Far
Maneuvers - Gather Cruor, Ominous Chating, Summon Wall of Gore
Gargouille (Command, Fodder)
Poor souls with jetpacks anchored to their spines and made into monsters by mechanics. Moves 2 range increments.
Health- 8
Attacks -
Claws 2 Physical Harm. Hits 2 Targets. Near.
Darkbolt 2 Profane Harm. Near/Close/Far
Grenade 2 Physical Harm, AOE. Near/Close
Maneuvers -Bombing Run, High Fly, Screech
In addition to the Foes, Deserters also have to deal with overhanging hazards and fighting atop a moving train. Any time a Deserter rolls more 1s than anything else on the test they are knocked-down in some way and at risk of falling from the train. They might have been smashed flat by an overhang as it zipped by, lost their footing, or been knocked over the edge by a foe and hanging on for dear life.
On the next Deserter turn, a knocked-down Deserter must describe how they regain their footing and succeed on an appropriate test to right themselves. If they fail, they remain in a precarious state and may also be hit by a Foe’s attack. Alternatively, they can take another action at half as many dice, but if they roll more 1s than anything else they fall off of the train and are Slain.
A knocked-down Desterter’s squaddies can come to their rescue in one of two ways. A Deserter may use their action to pull another Deserter safely to their feet. Instead, a Deserter may Spread Camaraderie and still take their action and also dramatically pull another Deserter safely to their feet while doing so.
Once Command’s minions are cleared from the train top, the Deserters are able to drop down on the berth for the first passenger car, its door already breached as the rest of the Blight Horn Coven’s agents remain one step ahead of them. This opens up to Act 2, coming soon.
Not sure what all this means or just want to get started with a Red Rocks’ Shadow campaign yourself? Check out the Red Rocks’ Shadow Ashcan Edition available RIGHT NOW on Itch.io. It’s half-price, $5.00 USD, for the month of January.